dimanche 12 décembre 2010

Clin d’œil : Mehri Shah Hosseini, une écriture qui nous vient d’Iran

Mehri Shah Hosseini.
Photo Arabian People & Maghrebian World.

Depuis sa création, Arabian People & Maghrebian World s’est fixé un projet, celui de parler, de présenter le monde artistique, culturel et littéraire du Maghreb et du Monde arabe et la Rédaction continuera dans cette voie qu'elle s'est fixée. Toutefois, nous avons décidé d’ouvrir une rubrique sur l’univers culturel d’autres contrées et, ainsi, présenter un portrait d’une personnalité ou un événement.
Aujourd’hui, « Clin d’œil » s'ouvre avec la poétesse iranienne Mehri Shah Hosseini dont la biographie ci-dessous -que la Rédaction choisit de publier exceptionnellement en anglais, de sorte qu'elle soit comprise par les lecteurs iraniens- présente l’impressionnant parcours de la poétesse.

Arabian People & Maghrebian World l’avait rencontrée lors du 4e festival international de Poètes à Paris qui s’est déroulé, dans la capitale française, fin septembre dernier. Sa poésie a reçu un accueil, notamment à l’Espace Le Scribe-l’Harmattan, des plus chaleureux chez les poètes participants comme Michel Cassir (Liban) ou Pierre Bastide (France) et un public de connaisseurs venu écouter les poètes. La musicalité de ses textes qui prennent pied dans les choses réelles (l'absence de l'époux, l'amour du fils, ...) fait que ce qui pourrait se percevoir comme une "poésie échotière" est transcendé par une texture des mots que la langue persane rend tout en profondeur. Et le regard limpide que Mehri Shah Hosseini porte sur l'univers des autres quand bien même serait-il douloureux, transforme ce dernier comme une sorte de renouveau, où tout n'est pas forcément gris...

■ Un parcours d’une extrême richesse
Born March 30th, 1953 at city of Ray (Iran), Mehri Shah Hosseini graduated from Tehran University in Persian literature in 1965, and attained librarian and Psychology of Children degrees.

She took Book keeping and Teenagers at Children’s book committee. Since 1966, she continued her work with newspapers and magazines such as “Ferdosi”, “Etela’at Haftegi”, “Etela’at” newspaper, “Keyhan”, “Tehran Mosavar”, “Adine” and “Karname” magazine. Writing in “Hamshahri” newspaper about environment in 1997 and in the same year, publishing poems and reports, in “Etemad” magazine. In 1997, writing and interviewing people in charge of environment issues in “Hamshahri” Newspaper.

In the same year, Mehri Shah Hosseini wrote an article in “Etemad” magazine about Iranian poems today. She was in charge of poem page in “Barg e Sabz” magazine and wrote some reports about environment in each published magazine from 1996 to 1998. Mehri Shah Hosseini has done some research and published them over the years : “A Glance at Persian Language Poets” (November 22nd, 2002 – UNESCO, Paris) ; “Rabe’e and Love” (December 2006 – ULB University – Brussels, Belgium) ; “Persian Language Princesses of Indian Goorkani Dynasty” (February 14th, 2008 –Alikareh University, India) ; “Rabe’e “ and Roudaki’s Relation in two stories of “Elahi Name” and “Golestan e Eshgh” (September 5th, 2007 – Rudaki International Conference, Dushanbe,Tajikistan) ; “Language and Indian Persian Language Women” (February 2nd, 2009 – Gauhati University, India, February 2nd, 2009).

■ Recueils de poésie
.Burnt Farm” which was published by “Ferdosi” (1971).
.I Make Love with His Name” which was published by “Mahnaz” (1998).

■ Participation à des conférences et des festivals
. Participation in fourth international woman conference in Beijing (1995) – and introducing “Iranian Female Poets”, published by “Modir” publication.
. Participation in the 2001 “Rudaki” committee and “Connecting Persian language people to Tajikistan people all over the world” committee, which took place in Tajikistan capital, Dushanbe.
. Participation in the sixth seminar (November 22nd, 2002) for “Research in Ancient Iranian Culture”, which took place at UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
. Participation in seventh seminar (December 2004) for “Research in ancient Iranian culture”, which took place at ULB University – Brussels (Belgium).
. Participation in “Alikareh University International Conference”, which took place in 2005, India.
. Participation in the August 12th, 2005 “Rudaki” Committee and “Connecting Persian language people to Tajikistan people all over the world” committee which took place in Tajikistan capital, Dushanbe where she was chosen (by the main members of the committee and the head of the “Joining Mr. Emam Ali Rahmanof”, the Tajikistan president – and Tajikistan Science Academy) as none governmental representative for “Connecting Persian language people to Tajikistan people all over the world” committee in Iran.
. Participation in February 14th, 2008 “Using Ghazal in Persian Literature” international seminar which took place at Alikareh University in India.
. Participation in March 21st, 2008 (Manama) Bahrain’s Poem festival, which took place at a non governmental organization called “Asre Ala Dabagh va Al Ketab”.
. Participation in the September 5th, 2008 “Rudaki” conference, which took place Tajikistan capital, Dushanbe.
. Participation in the February 2nd, 2009 international conference which took place at Gauhati University, India.
. Participation in 13th International Festival “Curtea de Arges poetry nights” Bucharest-Curtea de Arges, Romania in July 2009.
. Participation in 3rd and 4rd international festival of poetry in Paris in September 2009.

■ Prix et Distinctions
. Honors, Bahrain.
. Honors, Gauhati.

■ Autres ouvrages de Mehri Shah Hosseini
- “Iranian Women Poets” – Which introduced 330 poets from fourth century to 1995.
- “Discussion with Poets about The nature of poem” – Which she interviews twenty poets about their poems and the connection of these poems and nature.
- “Persian language poets in seven cities of love” – Which is about Persian language poets whom are not from Iran but write in Persian and their needs.

■ Autres poèmes publiés
. Publishing some poems in “Gardoon” magazine (1997).
. Publishing poems and writing in “Goharan” magazine (2004).
. Publishing poems and writing in “Nafe” magazine (2006).
. Publishing poems in “Payab” magazine (2007).

■ Poème pour la route

Pour te rencontrer
Il faudrait passer au fond de la nuit
Et moi,
Je jetterai l’anneau que je porte au pied,
En éprouvant l’audace
Qui n’existe pas en moi.
Où vas-tu ?
Je réside ici.
Viens à moi,
Pour entendre ma parole
Maintenant que tu ignores l’écho de ma sincérité.
Franchis les instants
Et tourne,
Tourne-toi tout doucement
De sorte
Que ton ombre
S’unisse à la mienne
Dans un coin tranquille du monde.
 برای ديدنت
 بايد ازعمق شب گذشت
 خلخال پايم را
 دورمی اندازم
 وشهامتی راکه درمن نيست
 تجربه می کنم
 کجا می روی
 نشانی ام اينجاست
 به اين طرف بيا
 تا حرف هايم رابشنوی
 حالاکه صميميت صدارا
 ازمن گرفته ای
 ارلحظه ها بگذر
 نرمک نرمک بچرخ
 آنقدر که سايه ات
 با سايه ام يکي شود
 در گوشه ی دنجی
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